Cubes comes with a command line tool that can:
slicer command [command_options]
slicer command sub_command [sub_command_options]
Commands are:
Command | Description |
serve | Start OLAP server |
model validate | Validates logical model for OLAP cubes |
model json | Create JSON representation of a model (can be used) when model is a directory. |
extract_locale | Get localizable part of the model |
translate | Translate model with translation file |
test | Test the model against backend database (experimental) |
ddl | Generate DDL for SQL backend (experimental) |
Run Cubes OLAP HTTP server.
Example server configuration file slicer.ini:
host: localhost
port: 5000
reload: yes
log_level: info
url: sqlite:///tutorial.sqlite
view_prefix: vft_
path: models/model_04.json
To run local server:
slicer serve slicer.ini
In the [server] section, space separated list of modules to be imported can be specified under option modules:
For more information about OLAP HTTP server see OLAP Server
slicer model validate /path/to/model/directory
slicer model validate model.json
slicer model validate
Optional arguments:
-d, --defaults show defaults
-w, --no-warnings disable warnings
model translation file
For more information see Model Validation in Logical Model and Metadata
Example output:
loading model wdmmg_model.json
cubes: 1
dimensions: 5
found 3 issues
validation results:
warning: No hierarchies in dimension 'date', flat level 'year' will be used
warning: Level 'year' in dimension 'date' has no key attribute specified
warning: Level 'from' in dimension 'from' has no key attribute specified
0 errors, 3 warnings
The tool output contains recommendation whether the model can be used:
For any given input model produce reusable JSON model.
Extract localizable parts of the model. Use this before you start translating the model to get translation template.
Translate model using translation file:
slicer model translate model.json translation.json
This is experimental command.
Generates DDL schema of a model for SQL backend
slicer ddl [-h] [--dimension-prefix DIMENSION_PREFIX]
[--dimension-suffix DIMENSION_SUFFIX]
[--fact-prefix FACT_PREFIX]
[--fact-suffix FACT_SUFFIX]
[--backend BACKEND]
url model
positional arguments:
url SQL database connection URL
model model reference - can be a local file path or URL
optional arguments:
--dimension-prefix DIMENSION_PREFIX
prefix for dimension tables
--fact-prefix FACT_PREFIX
prefix for fact tables
--backend BACKEND backend name (currently limited only to SQL backends)
slicer denormalize [-h] [-p PREFIX] [-f] [-m] [-i] [-s SCHEMA]
[-c CUBE] config
positional arguments:
config slicer confuguration .ini file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for denormalized views (overrides config value)
-f, --force replace existing views
-m, --materialize create materialized view (table)
-i, --index create index for key attributes
-s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
target view schema (overrides config value)
-c CUBE, --cube CUBE cube(s) to be denormalized, if not specified then all
in the model
If you plan to use denormalized views, you have to specify it in the configuration in the [workspace] section:
denormalized_view_prefix = mft_
denormalized_view_schema = denorm_views
# This switch is used by the browser:
use_denormalization = yes
The denormalization will create tables like denorm_views.mft_contracts for a cube named contracts. The browser will use the view if option use_denormalization is set to a true value.
Denormalize all cubes in the model:
slicer denormalize slicer.ini
Denormalize only one cube:
slicer denormalize -c contracts slicer.ini
Create materialized denormalized view with indexes:
slicer denormalize --materialize --index slicer.ini
Replace existing denormalized view of a cube:
slicer denormalize --force -c contracts slicer.ini
Schema where denormalized view is created is schema specified in the configuration file. Schema is shared with fact tables and views. If you want to have views in separate schema, specify denormalized_view_schema option in the configuration.
If for any specific reason you would like to denormalize into a completely different schema than specified in the configuration, you can specify it with the --schema option.
By default, a view name is the same as corresponding cube name. If there is denormalized_view_prefix option in the configuration, then the prefix is prepended to the cube name. Or it is possible to override the option with command line argument --prefix.
The tool will not allow to create view if it’s name is the same as fact table name and is in the same schema. It is not even possible to --force it. A view prefix or different schema has to be specified.