Node Reference ++++++++++++++ Sources ======= CSV Source ---------- .. image:: nodes/csv_file_source_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Read data from a comma separated values (CSV) file.* **Class:** CSVSourceNode Source node that reads comma separated file from a filesystem or a remote URL. It is recommended to configure node fields before running. If you do not do so, fields are read from the file header if specified by `read_header` flag. Field storage types are set to `string` and analytical type is set to `typeless`. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - resource - File name or URL containing comma separated values * - fields - fields contained in the file * - read_header - flag determining whether first line contains header or not * - skip_rows - number of rows to be skipped * - encoding - resource data encoding, by default no conversion is performed * - delimiter - record delimiter character, default is comma ',' * - quotechar - character used for quoting string values, default is double quote Record List Source ------------------ .. image:: nodes/record_list_source_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Provide list of dict objects as data source.* **Class:** RecordListSourceNode Source node that feeds records (dictionary objects) from a list (or any other iterable) object. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - list - List of records represented as dictionaries. * - fields - Fields in the list. Row List Source --------------- .. image:: nodes/row_list_source_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Provide list of lists or tuples as data source.* **Class:** RowListSourceNode Source node that feeds rows (list/tuple of values) from a list (or any other iterable) object. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - list - List of rows represented as lists or tuples. * - fields - Fields in the list. Data Stream Source ------------------ .. image:: nodes/row_list_source_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Generic data stream data source node.* **Class:** StreamSourceNode Generic data stream source. Wraps a :mod:`brewery.ds` data source and feeds data to the output. The source data stream should configure fields on initialize(). Note that this node is only for programatically created processing streams. Not useable in visual, web or other stream modelling tools. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - stream - Data stream object. YAML Directory Source --------------------- .. image:: nodes/yaml_directory_source_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Read data from a directory containing YAML files* **Class:** YamlDirectorySourceNode Source node that reads data from a directory containing YAML files. The data source reads files from a directory and treats each file as single record. For example, following directory will contain 3 records:: data/ contract_0.yml contract_1.yml contract_2.yml Optionally one can specify a field where file name will be stored. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - path - Path to a directory * - extension - file extension to look for, default is yml. If none is given, then all regular files in the directory are read. * - filename_field - name of a new field that will contain file name Record Operations ================= Aggregate Node -------------- .. image:: nodes/aggregate_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Aggregate values grouping by key fields.* **Class:** AggregateNode Aggregate .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - keys - List of fields according to which records are grouped * - record_count_field - Name of a field where record count will be stored. Default is `record_count` Append ------ .. image:: nodes/append_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Concatenate input streams.* **Class:** AppendNode Sequentialy append input streams. Concatenation order reflects input stream order. The input streams should have same set of fields. Data Audit ---------- .. image:: nodes/data_audit_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Perform basic data audit.* **Class:** AuditNode Node chcecks stream for empty strings, not filled values, number distinct values. Audit note passes following fields to the output: * `field_name` - name of a field from input * `record_count` - number of records * `null_count` - number of records with null value for the field * `null_record_ratio` - ratio of null count to number of records * `empty_string_count` - number of strings that are empty (for fields of type string) * `distinct_count` - number of distinct values (if less than distinct threshold). Set to None if there are more distinct values than `distinct_threshold`. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - distinct_threshold - number of distinct values to be tested. If there are more than the threshold, then values are not included any more and result `distinct_values` is set to None Distinct Node ------------- .. image:: nodes/distinct_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Pass only distinct records (discard duplicates) or pass only duplicates* **Class:** DistinctNode Node will pass distinct records with given distinct fields. If `discard` is ``False`` then first record with distinct keys is passed to the output. This is used to find all distinct key values. If `discard` is ``True`` then first record with distinct keys is discarded and all duplicate records with same key values are passed to the output. This mode is used to find duplicate records. For example: there should be only one invoice per organisation per month. Set `distinct_fields` to `organisaion` and `month`, sed `discard` to ``True``. Running this node should give no records on output if there are no duplicates. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - distinct_fields - List of key fields that will be considered when comparing records * - discard - Field where substition result will be stored. If not set, then original field will be replaced with new value. Merge Node ---------- .. image:: nodes/merge_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *no description* **Class:** MergeNode Merge two or more streams (join) Sample Node ----------- .. image:: nodes/sample_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Pass data sample from input to output.* **Class:** SampleNode Create a data sample from input stream. There are more sampling possibilities: * fixed number of records * % of records, random *(not yet implemented)* * get each n-th record *(not yet implemented)* Node can work in two modes: pass sample to the output or discard sample and pass the rest. The mode is controlled through the `discard` flag. When it is false, then sample is passed and rest is discarded. When it is true, then sample is discarded and rest is passed. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - sample_size - Size of the sample to be passed to the output * - discard - flag whether the sample is discarded or included Select ------ .. image:: nodes/select_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Select records by a predicate function.* **Class:** SelectNode Select records that will be selected by a predicate function. Example: configure a node that will select records where `amount` field is greater than 100 .. code-block:: python def select_greater_than(value, threshold): return value > threshold node.function = select_greater_than node.fields = ["amount"] node.kwargs = {"threshold": 100} The `discard` flag controls behaviour of the node: if set to ``True``, then selection is inversed and fields that function evaluates as ``True`` are discarded. Default is False - selected records are passed to the output. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - function - Predicate function. Should be a callable object. * - fields - List of field names to be passed to the function. * - discard - flag whether the selection is discarded or included * - kwargs - Keyword arguments passed to the predicate function Set Select ---------- .. image:: nodes/set_select_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Select records by a predicate function.* **Class:** SetSelectNode Select records where field value is from predefined set of values. Use case examples: * records from certain regions in `region` field * recprds where `quality` status field is `low` or `medium` .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - field - Field to be tested. * - value_set - set of values that will be used for record selection * - discard - flag whether the selection is discarded or included Field Operations ================ Binning ------- .. image:: nodes/histogram_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Derive a field based on binned values (histogram)* **Class:** BinningNode Derive a bin/category field from a value. *Note: this node is not yet implemented* Binning modes: * fixed width (for example: by 100) * fixed number of fixed-width bins * n-tiles by count or by sum * record rank Coalesce Value To Type Node --------------------------- .. image:: nodes/coalesce_value_to_type_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Coalesce Value to Type* **Class:** CoalesceValueToTypeNode Coalesce values of selected fields, or fields of given type to match the type. * `string`, `text` * Strip strings * if non-string, then it is converted to a unicode string * Change empty strings to empty (null) values * `float`, `integer` * If value is of string type, perform string cleansing first and then convert them to respective numbers or to null on failure .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - fields - List of fields to be cleansed. If none given then all fields of known storage type are cleansed * - types - List of field types to be coalesced (if no fields given) * - empty_values - dictionary of type -> value pairs to be set when field is considered empty (null) - not yet used Field Map --------- .. image:: nodes/field_map_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Rename or drop fields from the stream.* **Class:** FieldMapNode Node renames input fields or drops them from the stream. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - map_fields - Dictionary of input to output field name. * - drop_fields - List of fields to be dropped from the stream. String Strip ------------ .. image:: nodes/string_strip_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Strip characters.* **Class:** StringStripNode Strip spaces (orother specified characters) from string fields. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - fields - List of string fields to be stripped. If none specified, then all fields of storage type `string` are stripped * - chars - Characters to be stripped. By default all white-space characters are stripped. Text Substitute --------------- .. image:: nodes/text_substitute_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Substitute text in a field using regular expression.* **Class:** TextSubstituteNode Substitute text in a field using regular expression. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - field - Field containing a string or text value where substition will be applied * - derived_field - Field where substition result will be stored. If not set, then original field will be replaced with new value. * - substitutions - List of substitutions: each substition is a two-element tuple (`pattern`, `replacement`) where `pattern` is a regular expression that will be replaced using `replacement` Value Threshold --------------- .. image:: nodes/value_threshold_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Bin values based on a threshold.* **Class:** ValueThresholdNode Create a field that will refer to a value bin based on threshold(s). Values of `range` type can be compared against one or two thresholds to get low/high or low/medium/high value bins. *Note: this node is not yet implemented* The result is stored in a separate field that will be constructed from source field name and prefix/suffix. For example: * amount < 100 is low * 100 <= amount <= 1000 is medium * amount > 1000 is high Generated field will be `amount_threshold` and will contain one of three possible values: `low`, `medium`, `hight` Another possible use case might be for binning after data audit: we want to measure null record count and we set thresholds: * ratio < 5% is ok * 5% <= ratio <= 15% is fair * ratio > 15% is bad We set thresholds as ``(0.05, 0.15)`` and values to ``("ok", "fair", "bad")`` .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - thresholds - List of fields of `range` type and threshold tuples (field, low, high) or (field, low) * - bin_names - Names of bins based on threshold. Default is low, medium, high * - prefix - field prefix to be used, default is none. * - suffix - field suffix to be used, default is '_bin' Targets ======= CSV Target ---------- .. image:: nodes/csv_target_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Write rows as comma separated values into a file* **Class:** CSVTargetNode Node that writes rows into a comma separated values (CSV) file. :Attributes: * resource: target object - might be a filename or file-like object * write_headers: write field names as headers into output file * truncate: remove data from file before writing, default: True .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - resource - Target object - file name or IO object. * - write_headers - Flag determining whether to write field names as file headers. * - truncate - If set to ``True`` all data from file are removed. Default ``True`` Formatted Printer ----------------- .. image:: nodes/formatted_printer_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Print input using a string formatter to an output IO stream* **Class:** FormattedPrinterNode Target node that will print output based on format. Refer to the python formatting guide: Example: Consider we have a data with information about donations. We want to pretty print two fields: `project` and `requested_amount` in the form:: Hlavicka - makovicka 27550.0 Obecna kniznica - symbol moderneho vzdelavania 132000.0 Vzdelavanie na europskej urovni 60000.0 Node for given format is created by: .. code-block:: python node = FormattedPrinterNode(format = u"{project:<50.50} {requested_amount:>20}") Following format can be used to print output from an audit node: .. code-block:: python node.header = u"field nulls empty distinct\n" \ "------------------------------------------------------------" node.format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} "\ "{empty_string_count:>10} {distinct_count:>10}" Output will look similar to this:: field nulls empty distinct ------------------------------------------------------------ file 0.00% 0 32 source_code 0.00% 0 2 id 9.96% 0 907 receiver_name 9.10% 0 1950 project 0.05% 0 3628 requested_amount 22.90% 0 924 received_amount 4.98% 0 728 source_comment 99.98% 0 2 .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - format - Format string to be used * - output - IO object. If not set then sys.stdout will be used. If it is a string, then it is considered a filename. * - delimiter - Record delimiter. By default it is new line character. * - header - Header string - will be printed before printing first record * - footer - Footer string - will be printed after all records are printed Record List Target ------------------ .. image:: nodes/record_list_target_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Store data as list of dictionaries (records)* **Class:** RecordListTargetNode Target node that stores data from input in a list of records (dictionary objects) object. To get list of fields, ask for `output_fields`. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - records - Created list of records represented as dictionaries. Row List Target --------------- .. image:: nodes/row_list_target_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Store data as list of tuples* **Class:** RowListTargetNode Target node that stores data from input in a list of rows (as tuples). To get list of fields, ask for `output_fields`. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - rows - Created list of tuples. Data Stream Target ------------------ .. image:: nodes/row_list_target_node.png :align: right **Synopsis:** *Generic data stream data target node.* **Class:** StreamTargetNode Generic data stream target. Wraps a :mod:`brewery.ds` data target and feeds data from the input to the target stream. The data target should match stream fields. Note that this node is only for programatically created processing streams. Not useable in visual, web or other stream modelling tools. .. list-table:: Attributes :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 80 * - attribute - description * - stream - Data target object.